Here's a tidy Radon System installed on the corner of a home in Romeoville, IL. Vent pipe must reach 12" past roofline, and 24" above any windows
Radon System Homer Glen, IL home, installed on back corner of the house.
Radon System in Frankfort, IL - 2 suction points are needed if we find surprises under the slab, this home had 12" of solid concrete so we added another suction point.
New Lenox IL Radon System - Here's an example of gravel crawl space after the system is installed. Radon level was 19.7 pCi/L, dropped to 0.5 pCi/L when we were complete.
Example of a Radon System installed in basement, through the garage and exiting through the garage roof
Bourbonnais IL Radon System
Plainfield, IL Radon System
Hinsdale, IL home had closing coming up in a week, so we worked on a Sunday to fit them in.
Plainfield Radon System